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【视频】Goodbye Song ,再见,居然还可以这样表达!孩子们知道吗? 韵律歌谣|-绘本频道山色峪灵芝 韵律歌谣英语有很多种say goodbye的好玩的表达方式,in a while crocodile,李晞彤 see you later alligator吕瑾瑾, 除此之外的种种,都在今天这首歌曲里了。押韵简直crazy到爆啊!是一首很朗朗上口的歌曲,加上俏皮的动作,Bing! 学习英语就是这个感觉,一起来high起来落雁泓!Goodbye Song(By The Learni

【视频】Goodbye Song ,再见,居然还可以这样表达!孩子们知道吗? 韵律歌谣|-绘本频道山色峪灵芝

英语有很多种say goodbye的好玩的表达方式,in a while crocodile,李晞彤 see you later alligator吕瑾瑾, 除此之外的种种,都在今天这首歌曲里了。押韵简直crazy到爆啊!是一首很朗朗上口的歌曲,加上俏皮的动作,Bing! 学习英语就是这个感觉,一起来high起来落雁泓!

Goodbye Song
(By The Learning Station)
Let’s all say goodbye in a fun芭莎女警, silly way.
It’s how we end our happy day.
Now stomp, stomp, stomp and clap, clap, clap.
Repeat after me in this goodbye rap.
See you later大树岛 , alligator – (See you later开封奇案 , alligator)
Gotta truck, baby duck – (Gotta truck, baby duck)
In a shake rattlesnake – (In a shake rattlesnake)
Out of here, reindeer – (Out of here, reindeer)

Let’s all say goodbye in a fun, silly way. It’s how we end our happy day.
Now stomp, stomp, stomp and clap, clap, clap.
Repeat after me in this goodbye rap.
Can’t stay邪神之宠, blue jay – (Can’t stay, blue jay)
See you soon, raccoon – (See you soon花都艳帝 , raccoon)
Take care亦勋 , polar bear – (Take care咳速停胶囊 ,世界杯西班牙 polar bear)
Be sweet, parakeet – (Be sweet, parakeet)
Let’s all say goodbye in a fun, silly way. It’s how we end our happy day.
Now stomp, stomp, stomp and clap, clap, clap.
Repeat after me in this goodbye rap.
Bye bye butterfly – (Bye bye butterfly)
Blow a kiss gold fish – (Blow a kiss gold fish)
Give a hug lady bug – (Give a hug lady bug)
Hit the road, happy toad – (Hit the road, happy toad)

Let’s all say goodbye in a fun, silly way. It’s how we end our happy day.
Now stomp, stomp, stomp and clap, clap, clap.
Repeat after me in this goodbye rap.
Toodle-loo kangaroo – (Toodle-loo kangaroo)
After a while, crocodile – (After a while, crocodile)
Out the door, dinosaur – (Out the door, dinosaur)
That’ the end, penguin – (That’ the end塔木德经, penguin)
CLAP天使出更 , CLAP!
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