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【视频】Activity | 去冲浪,浪里个浪! Let's Go Surfing 活动-Discovery探索者 During the hot summer, "Surfing" is one of the best sport in this season. Our highly recommended trip is that surfing in the big wave bay beach南国花郡 , where is a beautiful landscape w

【视频】Activity | 去冲浪,浪里个浪! Let's Go Surfing 活动-Discovery探索者

During the hot summer, "Surfing" is one of the best sport in this season. Our highly recommended trip is that surfing in the big wave bay beach南国花郡 , where is a beautiful landscape with well equipped public beachin the eastern of Hong Kong Island.
炎炎夏日,是个“浪”的好季节,本次推荐的目的地位于香港岛东侧 - 大浪湾,一个风景美丽,设备完善的公共海滩。
As the name of the beach, the big wave bay is suitable for surfing dues to the big wave, many surfing fans would like to enjoy the fun of surfing sport in this beach.
However, is it easy to learn how to surf for the freshmen?
然而,对于冲浪小白而言大地的孩子 ,冲浪是否容易上手呢贾长松 ?
Actually, for the most of learners, it is not hard as they considered, you may learn the basic skill of surfing in one day王茂亮, then try to feeling the power of wave as other surfers.
其实,冲浪对于大多数人而言esr 滕旋 ,并没有想象中这么难,或许你只要花一天的时间,就可以掌握基本的冲浪技巧,与其他冲浪者一样,感受来自海浪的力量。
For facilitating you to learn the skill, we invite a professional surfing coach for guiding beginers how to surf.
Let's go surfing with us.
The spots are limit, please enroll ASAP~
Activity Day / 活动时间
05th August 2018 (Sunday)
Activity Location/ 活动地点
Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong/ 香港香港岛
Activity Lightspot / 活动亮点
1. Enjoying on the Surfing
2. Visiting one of the most beautiful village in HK, Shek O village
Fee & Promotion / 费用 & 优惠
Fee 活动费: 170 - 198 RMB
Promotion 优惠:
1. Pay before 01st August.(Including), only 178 RMB.
在8月1日(含) 前报名只需178 元。
2.Group Purchase:30 RMB off when pay more than 500 RMB.
团购优惠: 满500元减30元。
3.Share the activity in your moments of Wechat and shortcut to the Customer Service, 8 RMB off.
分享微信朋友圈并截图发送客服小哥锦衣风流 ,可减8元熊晓颖 。
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Arrangement / 行程安排
Meeting Time 集合时间:
9:45 am
Meeting Location 集合地点:
Exit C墨菲的战争 , FanLing Metro Station, Hong Kong 香港粉岭地铁站C出口
Schedule 行程:
We are expecting you at the FanLing Metro Station.
9:45 - 11:00
Taking bus to the Shek O Village.
11:00 - 12:00
Visiting the Shek O village侠盗石川 , taking pictures in this amazing village.
石澳村游玩暗宅之迷 ,拍拍拍。
12:00 - 12:30
Having lunch in the village.
12:30 - 13:30
Preparing the equipments of surfing, The coach explains the skill of surfing.
13:30 - 18:00
Surfing Time!
17:30 - 18:30
Taking bus back to Fanling station.
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Album / 合集
Please watch the vedio!

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Sign Up / 报名
?Sign up /报名入口
Scan the below QR Code for signing up/ 请扫描以下二维码报名

?Fee / 活动费用:¥170 - 198
Including / 包含:
1、Transport / 交通
The Round-Trip transport fee from the Fanling metro station to the Big Wave Bay.
2、Water / 水
We provide mineral water for you.
3、Guide Service / 向导服务
We provide the professional guide service for you.
4、Present / 赠送
Surfing Tutorial Fee.
We present the personal travel insurance(covering 100,000) for you.
Not Including / 不含:
1、Personal Expense / 个人消费
2、Board Rental Fee( 20 - 100 HKD per person)/ 冲浪板租金(20 - 100 HKD 一位)
3、Meal / 餐费
?Customer Service/ 客服咨询
1. Wechat 微信: ywh0665
2. Telephone 电话: 13510154421
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Travel Tips /活动Tips
Difficulty Level 难度

Tips 贴士
1. The activity is a level two activity which is need you to be a swimmer.
2. If you are pregnant ,heart disease or seniors,汪玲露 we do not recommend you to attend.
如果您怀孕三三玉茶坊 ,有心脏病或者年长者,我们不建议您参与。
3. Please bring your vaildpassport or Hong Kong & Macao Entry Permission.(Please pay attention to the vaild date)
请带上您在有效期内的护照或者港澳通行证喀秋莎吉他谱 。(请注意查看有效日期)
4. We are highly recommend you to use the Hong Kong phone serive in Hong Kong, and you are able to call and access the Internet in Hong Kong.
5. Please bring the Octopus Card and change of HKD. You would use the card and change when you have dinner or go back to shenzhen.
6. Please bring 1-2 L water.
Minimum For Activity 成团最少人数
13 people
Maximum For Activity成团人数上限
26 people
Refund Regulation 退款规则
1. You are able require to refund until48 hoursbefore the activity. if your cannel the sign up temporarily dues to your personal reason当阳教育网 , sorry for we are not able to refund the fee to you. only if you can find someone to replace your position.
2. If we encounter the bad weather or irresistible factors, we will notice to every participants in advance, and postpone or cancel our activity. The fee will be refunded to you if the activity is canceled.
如果我们遇到恶劣天气或者不可抗拒力因素,我们将提前告诉每一位参与者,并延期或者取消活动。如果活动取消迭戈西蒙尼 ,费用将会全额返还给您。
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Previous Activities
Kayaking in Hoi Ha Wan 海下湾皮划艇之旅Sharp Island Snorkeling 桥咀洲浮潜
Sai WanCliffJumping 西湾悬崖跳水
Hong Kong GrassIsland 香港塔门岛
Hong Kong Dragon's Back 香港龙脊
MacLehose Trail Section I 麦理浩径第一段
Hong kong Suicide Cliff 香港自杀崖
Atmosphere in Sunset Peak 陈奕迅山之体验
MacLehose Trail Section II 麦理浩径第二段
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About us / 关于我们
Discovery delivers unexpected scenery to you
Deeply Discovery 深度探索
To explore the unique scenic.
GlobalSocial 全球社交
Our members are from more than 30 different countries, You are able to experience different cultures in the world during taking our activities.
Purely Play 纯玩体验
No compulsory expense临县吹打 , only play & fun.
没有"套路"军师王妃 ,只有玩乐。

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