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【视频】Incision Total Knee Replacement) 中英文字幕:小切口全膝关节置换术(Mini-颈肩腰腿痛专业治疗 警告:请在有WIFI的场所观看视频,土豪请随意。Mini Incision Total Knee Replacement小切口全膝关节置换术Overview(概述)Mini-incision Total Knee Arthroplasty钟如九, also called MIS TKA, replaces the damaged and painful ar

【视频】Incision Total Knee Replacement) 中英文字幕:小切口全膝关节置换术(Mini-颈肩腰腿痛专业治疗


Mini Incision Total Knee Replacement
Mini-incision Total Knee Arthroplasty钟如九, also called MIS TKA, replaces the damaged and painful areas of the knee joint with metal and polyethylene plastic parts. The MIS total knee procedure is performed through an incision that is smaller than the incision used for traditional total knee replacement surgery. This technique reduces blood loss and pain and allows for a shorter recovery.
小切口全膝关节成形术(Mini-incision Total Knee Arthroplasty,简称MIS TKA),是用金属和聚乙烯塑料部件替换膝关节的损伤和疼痛部位。MIS全膝关节手术是通过小于传统全膝关节置换手术切口的切口进行的。这种技术可以减少失血和疼痛,并且可以缩短恢复时间。
Femur Reshaped(股骨成形)
The damaged portions of the femur bone and cartilage are cut away. The end of the femur is reshaped to allow a metal femoral component to fit in place.
将受损的股骨部分和软骨切除李星龙美丽记 。将股骨的末端成形,以与装入的金属股骨部件相匹配。
Femur Component Attached(安装股骨假体)
A metal component is attached to the end of the femur with bone cement.
Tibia Reshaped(胫骨成形)
The damaged portion of the tibia bone and cartilag are cut away. The end of the tibia is reshaped to receive the metal tibial component.
Tibia Component Inserted(插入胫骨假体)
The metal tibia component is secured to the end of the tibia with bone cement.
用骨水泥将金属胫骨假体与胫骨近端固定牢固圻怎么读 。
Insert Attached(连接插片)
A polyethylene insert is attached to the metal tibial component. The insert will support the body's weight and allow the femur to glide over the tibia.
聚乙烯插片连接到金属胫骨假体。插片可支撑体重阴魂借子 ,并允许股骨在胫骨上滑动。
Components Joined(连接假体)
The tibia, with its new polyethylene surface赫海吧 , and the femur, with its new metal component, are put together to form a new knee joint.
装上了新的聚乙烯表面的胫骨和装上了新的金属假体的股骨连接到一起可比网 ,形成新的膝关节。
Patella Component Attached(安装髌骨假体)
To make sure the patella (the knee cap) glides smoothly over the new artificial knee, its rear surface is prepared. A polyethylene component is cemented into place on the back of the patella.
End of Procedure(手术结束)
The new parts of the knee joint are tested by flexing and extending the knee.
(胡佰文 译)
中英文字幕:半月板撕裂(Meniscus Tear)
中英文字幕:关节镜下半月板修补术(Meniscus Repair,郑安仪 Arthroscopic Technique)
中英文字幕:钻孔微骨折术治疗孤立的软骨缺损(Microfracture Drilling Procedure)
中英文字幕:半月板移植(Meniscal Transplant)
中英文字幕:内侧副韧带损伤(Medial Collateral Ligament,MCL Injury)
中英文字幕:膝关节游离体取出术(Loose Body Removal (Knee))
中英文字幕:外侧松解内侧紧缩治疗髌骨轨迹异常( Lateral Release and Medial Imbrication)
中英文字幕:外侧副韧带损伤(Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury)
中英文字幕:注射透明质酸治疗膝关节痛(Hyalgan个人房屋租赁税率 单身歌原唱 ?Injection for Knee Pain)
中英文字幕:鹅足滑囊炎(Goosefoot (Pes Anserine) Bursitis of the Knee)
中英文字幕:膝关节支神经阻滞(Genicular Nerve Block)
中英文字幕:髂胫束综合征(Iliotibial Band Syndrome,ITBS)
中英文字幕:胫骨高位截骨术(High Tibial Osteotomy)
中英文字幕:胫骨痛(胫骨内侧紧张综合征)Shin Splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)
中英文字幕:腘绳肌损伤(Hamstring Muscle Injuries)
中英文字幕:膝关节支神经射频消融术(Genicular Nerve Ablation痴心爱人 ,RF Neurotomy)
中英文字幕:胫骨棘骨折(Fractures of the Tibial Spine)
中英文字幕:胫骨骨折(Tibial Fractures)
中英文字幕:透视引导下类固醇注射治疗膝关节疼痛(Steroid Injection for Knee Pain)
中英文字幕:深静脉血栓(Deep Vein Thrombosis ,DVT)
中英文字幕:复杂的区域疼痛综合征(Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)
中英文字幕:软骨修复(Cartilage Repair)
中英文字幕:关节软骨修复,关节镜辅助技术性(Arthroscopical Cartilage Repair)
中英文字幕:关节软骨修复,切开技术(Cartilage Repair, Open Incision Technique)
中英文字幕:关节镜下踝关节软骨修复Arthroscopic Articular Cartilage Repair (Ankle)
中英文字幕:鹅足滑囊炎(Bursitis of the Knee,Pes Anserine Bursitis)
中英文字幕:腘窝囊肿(Baker's Cyst)
中英文字幕:膝关节缺血性骨坏死(Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis) of the Knee)
中英文字幕:自体软骨细胞移植(Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation)
中英文字幕:髌前滑囊抽吸术(Aspiration of the Prepatellar Bursa)
中英文字幕:HemiCAP膝关节表面置换术(Arthrosurface? HemiCAP骆驼强子 ? Resurfacing)
中英文字幕:关节镜下软骨成形术(Arthroscopic Chondroplasty)
中英文字幕:前交叉韧带撕裂(Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear)
中英文字幕:女性前交叉韧带损伤(Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Women)
中英文字幕:膝关节解剖(Anatomy of the Knee)
中英文字幕:使用腘绳肌腱重建ACL(ARTHROTEK? and EZLoc? Devices)
中英文字幕:前交叉韧带重建(ACL Reconstruction with Arthrex陈莲笙 ? TightRope?)
中英文字幕:前交叉韧带重建(ACL Reconstruction with Arthrex RetroScrew)
中英文字幕:使用腘绳肌腱重建前十字韧带(ACL Reconstruction with Hamstring)
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