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【视频】TED一个中国女人和一场震撼世界的演讲:求善始,求善终!(附英汉对照原文)-英语分享 演说者:艾诚演说题目:求善始 求善终!曾经,艾诚受邀在伊朗基什岛举办的TED全球舞台上刘羽琦整容 ,发表了全英文演讲《求善始求善终》,讲述作为一名人物节目主持人的心路历程,分享了她本人善始善终的人生信仰。艾诚是知名主持人,艾问传媒创始人,被世界经济论坛授予"全球杰出青年"称号。Good afternoon, I am a Journalist and TV Anchor, and I intervie


演说题目:求善始 求善终!
曾经,艾诚受邀在伊朗基什岛举办的TED全球舞台上刘羽琦整容 ,发表了全英文演讲《求善始求善终》,讲述作为一名人物节目主持人的心路历程,分享了她本人善始善终的人生信仰。艾诚是知名主持人,艾问传媒创始人,被世界经济论坛授予"全球杰出青年"称号。

Good afternoon, I am a Journalist and TV Anchor, and I interview people for a living. I listen to people’s stories, and I present t
Good afternoon, I am a Journalist and TV Anchor, and I interview people for a living. I listen to people’s stories, and I present them to the public. It sounds like an easy job, doesn’t it…well things could certainly get a bit more complicated when you have an addressable audience of hundreds of millions.
On any given day there are thousands of TV interview programs running around the globe. One of the key success factors in this business, as I was told, is that you better be the first, to report as soon as the news is taking place.
每一天,可能有上千档访谈节目在全球播出。而这一行成功的关键之一,如我所知,是努力做第一个报道的人。 时效性是新闻类访谈节目的关键要素,最好能抢到首发。
I have a different approach with my program. Instead of trying to capture the moment of what’s happening, I re-visit the old news and record what happened afterwards, often times many years after the news had taken place, often times when the person at the center of the news was nearly forgotten, and often times with a more controversial story line。
我的节目却大不一样。 与其去尽力追逐现在,我将目光转向过去,寻找故事的后来——很多时候当初的热点话题已冷却多年、 很多时候当时的焦点人物已淡出了人们的视线,很多时候故事本身已几经波折。
I turn time delay from a journalist’s worst enemy to my best friend, as I believe it takes time to let a story play out, in its complete form. Since founding my own media company, I have become obsessed, in pursuit of completeness of the stories I present. In doing so, I see a way of living a complete life of my own. And I have just begun…
时间滞后是新闻工作者最大的敌人,我却把它变成为我最好的朋友。因为我相信,一个故事、一段人生的完整展开最值得去等待。自从创立艾问传媒以来,我渐渐痴迷于这项工作,痴迷于追问故事的后来、展现人物的全部。同时,我也在寻找将自己的人生过得更加丰富更加完整的方法。 而我,才刚刚开始。
I am going to share with you three stories from my program: first a story about a young boy seven years after he survived one of the deadliest earthquakes on earth; second a story about a middle-aged woman, 20 years after she set a world record in weightlifting; and last a story about the oldest mom in China 5 years after who gave birth to twins at the age of 60.
今天,我想和你分享我的节目《艾问·后来》中的三个故事:第一个故事是关于从汶川地震浩劫中逃生七年之后的小男孩林浩; 第二个故事是曾经在二十年前创造了世界举重记录的女子邹春兰; 最后是关于一个在中国年龄最大的产妇盛海琳,她在60岁生下了一对双胞胎。
Story One
On May 12th, 2008, an earthquake of 8.0 magnitude, hit Wenchuan and surrounding areas in China. It hit so hard, that by official account, nearly 70,000 people dead, 400,000 injured, and some five million left homeless. It was believed to be the 21st deadliest earthquake of all time. Hundreds schools collapsed, burying thousands of students.
Lin Hao was nine years old when his school building collapsed on that very day. He ran out of the classroom safely, but what he did next made him a national hero. He went back into the collapsed classroom and carried out two of his classmates, despite the danger of having himself buried as well. That very moment of his brave act was captured by the media. He was instantly famous nationwide. Several months later, he accompanied Yao Ming, leading the Chinese national team into the opening ceremony of 2008 Olympics.
林浩的学校在那一年顷刻间倒塌时,他才九岁。灾难降临的时刻,他本已跑到了安全地带,但是他接下来所做的事情使他成为了这个国家的小英雄。他出人意料地冲回已成废墟的教室,冒着随时会被掩埋的危险,救出了两名同学。他小小的勇敢的身影被媒体记录了下来唐小然 ,立即传遍全国。几个月之后的北京奥运会开幕式上,他走在姚明身边,一起引导中国代表队入场。
Earlier this year, nearly seven years after the deadly earthquake, Lin Hao came to my program for a two hour interview, and a more complete story of his journey following his national fame was unveiled to my audience. In the first couple of years, his life was jammed with almost endless appearance in awards activities, advertising engagements,岑碧青 and movie productions. He was famous and flying high. He had everything except time for proper schooling. He struggled.
距离那场灾难七年之后,林浩在今年早些时候来到了我的节目。 他成名之后的完整故事也在我们的访谈中渐渐展开。刚开始的那些年,他声名鹊起、飞向巅峰广美毕业展 ,生活里充满了无止尽的电影片约、广告接拍、和活动邀约。他几乎拥有了一切,唯独没有时间好好学习。他陷入了纠结之中。
He told my audience that as his brave act seven years ago saved two other lives, what he needed now is to save himself, and to be more responsible. He is determined to pursue a life less eventful but more complete.
他告诉我的观众,就像当初他救起自己的同学一样,现在他需要救起自己闲本 。他需要为自己负责,追求一种不张扬但是更完整的人生。
I struggled too in my teenage years. Born in a small town at the foot of Yellow Mountain, I was the only child and my childhood was quite lonely until I found a way to fill up my lonely evenings. On many nights, I pretended to be a TV anchor and I would broadcast my program to my imaginary audience, a bunny rabbit and a snoopy dog.
当我年少时,我也纠结过。我出生于黄山山脚下的一个小镇,同很多独生子女一样,我的童年也很孤独。但是后来,我发现了一件有趣的事可以打发漫漫长夜——扮作一名主持人,对着想象的观众播报节目。 躺在我卧室床上的兔宝宝和史努比永远是我忠实的观众。
And I imagined the world outside Yellow Mountain. I dreamed that one day, I'd be heard outside of my hometown. Little did I know, those imaginary nights would have become the beginning of a journey to which I am still devoting myself fully today. Determined to complete my dream, I went on to Beijing, and later Boston to study. Upon graduation from Harvard, I became a New York based correspondent for China Central Television.
I traveled around the world interviewing heads of states, well-known public figures, and celebrities. And my interviews were aired through a program called "The Leaders". It was my moment. I was not only heard, I was heard by hundreds of millions of people.
But at the peak of it all, I quit China Central Television.
Story Two
In 1993, a Chinese woman had to quit her professional life too. My second story is about a former national champion of women weightlifting who came to my program last month, some 20 years after her last gold medal was won.
Over the last 30 years, China has adopted a government sponsored national program to support and train professional athletes, with a targeted goal to win gold medals at world class sports events such as the Olympics. As a result, Chinese female athletes soon dominated women weightlifting, setting records after records.
Zou Chunlan was one of them. She was scouted to a provincial weightlifting training camp at the age of 16, winning national gold medals three years in the roll, and set world record in 1990. Living in the camp, she was told not to worry about anything but to concentrate on her training and competition. Intensive training eventually burned her out and she had to end her professional life in 2000, when she was paid some ten thousand US dollars to retire and she was asked to find a life outside the training camp.
邹春兰就是这样一位优秀的女子举重运动员。 她16岁时就入选了省级举重队,连续三年在全国举重冠军赛摘得金牌,1990年获得全国女子举重冠军并打破世界纪录。在训练营里,她被告知,除了专注于训练和比赛以外,什么都不用操心。然而,高强度的训练最终使她伤病缠身,在2000年时不得不憾然退役。她得到了数万元人民币的一次性伤病补偿,被告知在训练营之外找到活路。
It was then she realized that she had not learned any skills outside weightlifting. She was 30 years old, and she was thrown back to the society with limited ability to survive.
After having tried different things and spent all the retirement money, she ended up working on hourly wages at a public bath. It went on for three years and the news of a former national champion was living on hourly wages finally attracted media attention. Her story was made known nationwide. With the support of society, she started to learn new skills and eventually opened a dry cleaning shop.
Fast-forward nine years, she was on my program, neither a national champion nor an hourly waged worker, but a 44 years old woman who have gone through the ups and downs in life. However hard it was, she told my audience, she was completing her life after weightlifting, in her own way.
Fast-forward nine years, she was on my program, neither a national champion nor an hourly waged worker, but a 44 years old woman who have gone through the ups and downs in life. However hard it was, she told my audience, she was completing her life after weightlifting情满雪阳花 , in her own way.
Before founding my media startup, I was well taken care of by China Central Television, the most powerful TV network in China. Under the spotlight, looking pretty, I was tasked to interview some of the most important people on earth on some of the most important issues. I enjoyed it, until one day when I was alone in the editing room, reviewing footages of those interviews. All of a sudden, I realized, many of those stories were not complete in themselves, as often times they had to fit network’s agenda.
在创立我自己的传媒公司之前,我也曾经受益于中央电视台这家全国最具权威性的媒体文明礼貌歌 。 在聚光灯下、光鲜无比,我负责采访这个世界上最重要的人物、和最为重要的事件。我的确很满意这样的日子,直到某一天,当我独自坐在录播间里时,我突然意识到,这些大人物的故事并没那么完整,很多时候受到各种各样的限制。
What I needed to do, as it seemed, was to create my own program in order to tell a complete story. But a journey on my own had me worried about the challenges I was going to face.
What I needed to do, as it seemed, was to create my own program in order to tell a complete story. But a journey on my own had me worried about the challenges I was going to face.
Story Three
Another Chinese woman was worried about her challenges as well, when she decided to become the oldest mother in China at the age of 60.
Since the 1970’s, China has implemented a one child policy. A family of three became common place in China, in fact, some 190 million of them. However, should that only child be lost due to any disease or accident, the family is left with no offspring. Latest statistics show that there are over a million such families in China today.
In 2009, Sheng Hailin lost her only child, her 30 year old daughter in an accident. She thought of suicide, as life seems all of sudden lost hope. She tried to adopt, unsuccessfully. But she didn’t want to give in to the fate.
在2009年,盛海琳唯一的正当三十岁青年期的女儿由于煤气中毒意外过世。她的生活突然崩塌、陷入了绝望之中,她甚至想过自杀。 后来试着领养,也并不成功。 可她并不想就此向命运投降。
She decided to be pregnant again, at the age of 60, with the help of vitro fertilization. It was a determined battle against all the odds. First, there’s only a 10-20% success rate for women older than 40; second, only 10% of those women are able to endure the entire pregnancy; and finally, there’s an one out of 300 chance, that the child would born with defects.
在她60岁时,她决定通过试管婴儿的方式再次生子。 但这将是一场无比艰难的战斗。首先,超过四十岁的妇女只有10%-20%的成功受孕几率;其次,只有10%的妇女能完成孕育过程;最后,有三百分之一的可能,出生的胎儿有先天缺陷。
Despite of it all, Sheng Hailin won the fight, and she shared her story on my program. What inspired my audience and myself was not only her courage to deliver the babies, but also how determined she is to go on a challenging journey raising them. It is quite expensive to raise two children in China today even for parents with fulltime jobs. She tried everything she could to make more money, working long-hour days seven days a week. She wants to live until she’s 100 years old, when her twin daughters would turn 40.
尽管困难重重,盛海琳还是赢了。 她在生下双胞胎女儿的五年后来到我的节目。让我们深受感动的不仅仅是她生下孩子的决心,还有她决心养育这两个孩子的毅力。在中国,即使对于双方都工作的年轻父母来说,养育两个孩子的花费也很昂贵。她想尽了一切办法来赚钱,一周连续七天长时间地工作。她告诉我,她希望自己能活到100岁,那时她的双胞胎宝宝就40岁了。
I was determined too when I founded iAsk Media a little over one year ago, not because I wanted to be an entrepreneur邓秋婷 , but because nowhere else could offer me a platform to produce programs I demanded. Running such a start-up, one of the kind in the highly competitive media sector in China, I felt the need to be selective, to be focused, and to be able to see things to the end.
我创立艾问传媒的时候也很坚定,不是因为我想成为一名创业者,而是因为没有平台愿意支持我做讲述人物灵魂和完整故事的节目。在媒体竞争异常激烈的中国,要经营这样一家创业公司,dynasty 我发现,我需要专心致志、精益求精、善始善终。
Up until today, I often get questions why a complete story matters so much. I couldn't have answered more confidently with the stories I just shared with you. Without a complete story, we wouldn’t have seen the other side of Lin Hao and how he struggled after becoming a national hero; without a complete story, we wouldn’t have dug deep enough to understand Zou Chunlan’s determination to start again; without a complete story, we wouldn’t have followed up with Sheng Hailin to witness that it was more challenging to raise the twins than delivering them. .
Now as I wrap up, I want to show you a picture I took 10 years ago. It was a snapshot of a family at the Forbidden City in Beijing. I was a first year journalism major student, and I was moved by the smiles of each and every member of that family, so authentic and pure.
When I look back at my journey, when I realize that through my work, I have offered millions people an alternative way of discovering news, following through, and revisiting when everybody else seems forgetting it...I think of that family, an ordinary family with the smile靳诺 , with curious eyes to discover the world in front of them.
Every piece of story we began deserves an effort to complete it, whether it was started 10 years ago, last month, or even today.
I am by far not near to the complete end of my dream, and I may never be. But I enjoy this constant pursuit of completeness in life, not forgetting how I began, staying strong and focused, and most importantly, believing that a good ending will come out as time goes by.
Thank you!
