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【视频】True Meaning of OM The Sound That Unites Us All The-IICofficial MEANING AND RESPECT OF OMOM的含义和敬意 Om is an ancient Sanskrit “word” that was first felt by rishis(monks) as they meditated. It was more about the essence of Om than the chanting of i

【视频】True Meaning of OM The Sound That Unites Us All The-IICofficial


Om is an ancient Sanskrit “word” that was first felt by rishis(monks) as they meditated. It was more about the essence of Om than the chanting of it. Eventually as the experience was shared the word came forth and people started chanting it to get the experience of it. So, you ask, what is the experience of Om?

It is somewhat difficult to describe with words but Om represents everything. It is said to be the seed of all of creation. Just like an a corn seed has the immense power and beauty of a mighty oak tree. This seemingly small word contains all the power of the universe. It is the beginning, middle and the end of it all or the past, present and future. Chanting Om brings into your awareness the physical reality of this world and your body, the subtle impressions of the mind and emotions and the thoughts and beliefs of your life and this world.
As the Mandukya Upanishad tells us the perfect state or super conscious state and all that precedes it are a part of Om. The sound can also be displayed in its more complete form of AUM. When written this way it appears as if the sound has three parts. In actuality it has four.

The A (aahhh)sound represents the creation aspect of the universe and all of the gross objects within it. Ahh is the beginning of all sounds (this is the most common letter that starts alphabets). It connects us to our sense of self, the ego. With this syllable you experience the existence of the world through the activity of the senses. When you chant this sound notice that it is produced in the throat and back of the mouth where the tongue is rooted and resonates in the lower abdomen. The first sound embodies “Sat”, the sound that starts to bring you back to unity, to the truth of your existence.
A(aahhh)的发音代表着宇宙的产物及其中包含的所有事物。Ahh是所有声音的起始(这也是字母表里最常见的字母),连接自我意识和自我。通过该音节和感官活动,你会体会到这个世界的存在。当你在唱诵的时候,注意这个声音是从喉咙和嘴巴后侧即舌根发出,并且下腹部会产生共鸣微晶石贴图 。这个第一音具体表达“Sat(存在)”,指的是带你重返联合一体和存在的真实。

The U (oooh)sound signifies the maintaining energy of the universe and the subtle impressions of the mind. It connects us to an inner sense of something greater than that which we can see and feel with our senses. Oooh lets in lightness元极舞 , clarity村田制作所 , balance and goodness. When you chant this letter the sound moves forward between the tongue and the palate up to the lips and vibrates in the solar plexus. The sound denotes “Chit”梵高传, an illumination of knowing, pure wisdom.
U (oooh)代表着宇宙的保持能量和头脑的微妙印象,能让我们感受到更为伟大的内在感觉,超越平时我们所能看到及感觉到的。Oooh让我们处于明亮、清晰、平衡和善良中。唱诵时,该声音是从舌头和上颚之间慢慢往前至嘴唇而发出,心窝处会产生振动感。该声音表示“Chit(知道)”,指的是知识亮点和纯洁的智慧。
The M (mmmm)sound characterizes the transformative energy of the universe and the thoughts and beliefs of your being. This sound unites you to the awareness of oneness. It allows you to slow down in order to feel the connectedness of all that is. The sound “mmmm” is produced by closing the lips and it vibrates the crown of the head. The sound symbolizes “Ananda”, to be at one with bliss everywhere with all things.
M (mmmm)代表着宇宙的变化能量和存在性质的想法和信念雅儿贝德。该声音把你和和谐意识统一起来,允许你放慢节奏去感受所有事物的连接朴帅眉 。“mmmm”发音的时候,山本一木 嘴巴闭上,头顶会产生振动感。该声音象征着“Ananda(阿南达)”,即成为一个无论身在何处都拥有一切和幸福的人。
The fourth sound is silence or anagata. It is the vibration which is beyond verbal pronunciation. It is pure consciousness of the Self or the Atman. The unity of Sat Chit Ananda (I exist, I know, I am blissful) is experienced here.
第四个音是安静或安纳加塔(anagata),指的是在口头发音结束后的一些余波振动达科塔·高尤 。它是自我或阿特曼(Atman)的纯意识。在此,可体会到“Sat Chit Ananda(我存在、我知道、我幸福)”的整体taskman 。

As you can see the experience of Om is multifaceted. It truly is an experience of all in everything. It is said that the sound of AUM includes the entire process of sound and all other sounds are included within it. Therefore, Om is called the seed sound (bija)巨齿蛉 , the original sound from which all other sounds and worlds come from. This is why Om is said to represent God, Bhraman, Source, Universal Consciousness. Because it has the power to create everything.
Many yoga classes begin and end with the chanting of Om three times. This mantra allows the energy of the group to begin the process of harmony by breathing together and sharing in this mantra. It tunes each person into themselves and reminds the body and mind to set aside worldly concerns and to turn your attention inward to the everlasting joy yoga can bring.
许多瑜伽课堂都会以三声OM唱诵开始和结束。唱诵时,所有人呼吸一致,能量开启,使课堂更为和谐鸡公碗 。唱诵强调个人关注自我身心意识,不受外界干扰,关注内在仙果福缘 ,享受瑜伽带来的永恒的欢乐。

Most people are unaware of this, but there is a bit of a conflict when it comes to putting om symbols on yoga mat. When traveling to India, foreigners are encouraged not to use yoga mat with OM symbol unless they understand its meaning and history in yoga and Hinduism; this is because om is considered to be so sacred.But in indian yoga culture the feet as the most unsacred part of the body and they literally pray every morning to say sorry to God for stepping on the earth with their feet. So putting Om on a yoga mat is the most disrespectful thing!
Please avoid using yoga with OM. 请不要使用带om 符号的瑜伽垫。
Source: IndianYogiNetwork, yogitimes.com
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