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【视频】Human Connection to Patient Care》看了还想看的微视频上海迪士尼官网 ! 《EmpathyThe-微云康复超感警探 点击上方蓝字关注我们 这部享誉全球的公益微电影——《Empathy--The Human Connection to Patient Care》来自美国克利夫兰诊所,拍摄于2013年张白羽,全片4分45秒。附:Cleveland Clinic闪灵侠 , in Ohio, USA, commissioned “Empathy: The H

【视频】Human Connection to Patient Care》看了还想看的微视频上海迪士尼官网 ! 《EmpathyThe-微云康复超感警探

这部享誉全球的公益微电影——《Empathy--The Human Connection to Patient Care》来自美国克利夫兰诊所,拍摄于2013年张白羽,全片4分45秒。
Cleveland Clinic闪灵侠 , in Ohio, USA, commissioned “Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care”, a four minute inspirational video exploring the stories of patients. The video is designed to explore empathy汪晓菲 , the ability to understand and share in the feeling of another. Empathy takes on a new dimension in a hospital, where there is the push and pull of health and sickness, and where giving and receiving care happens every day. “What if you could see a thought bubble above every person’s head, telling you what they were thinking and feeling as you walked by? Empathy is who we are in our connection to each other. It’s how we view every person who comes through our doors. If you could stand in someone else’s shoes . . . hear what they hear. See what they see. Feel what they feel. Would you treat them differently?”
美国俄亥俄州的克利夫兰诊所发布了一段四分钟的探索病人故事的启发性视频,名为“共鸣:人际关系及病人护理”史不凡 。该视频旨在探索共鸣,一种理解和分享他人情感的能力三商法。医院里天天发生着健康与疾病的博弈,上演着给予与接收照顾的一幕,因此共鸣在医院里有新的意义。“如果在你走过的时候文本分割器,你能看到他们心里所想所感,那会怎么样?共鸣定义了在人际交往中的我们本间贵史 ,也决定了我们如何去定义我们生命中的那些过客金宥妍 。如果我们能够将心比心小草乌 ,听到他人所听到的追钗奇缘 ,看到他人所看到的,感受他人所感受的,马秋子 你会换一种态度对待他们吗洛城三兄弟 ?

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