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【视频】Rover 小狗罗弗-明格国际教育 小狗罗弗 RoverGoodDog,Rover今天给小朋友们讲的绘本故事是:“乡下”小狗罗弗是怎么变成一只城里的小狗狗的。Book DetailsAges 推荐年龄段:3 - 12Total word count 单词量:103High frequency words 高频词:76Low frequency words 低频词:8Sentence complexity 句子复杂性:简单中英文对照蒂娜和爸爸从乡下搬到了城里,他们的小狗罗弗也跟一起来了周

【视频】Rover 小狗罗弗-明格国际教育

小狗罗弗 Rover
Book Details
Ages 推荐年龄段:3 - 12
Total word count 单词量:103
High frequency words 高频词:76
Low frequency words 低频词:8
Sentence complexity 句子复杂性:简单
Dinaand her dad moved into the city from the countryside, together with their dog Rover.
罗弗特别兴奋任宰范,Rover is excited.

He chased dogs and cats, ruined flowers and lawns, and barked at people on the street.
Whosedog is this? He’s too noisy.”
Your dog scared my cat, and now my cat’s stuck inthe tree.”
“我们家的狗狗看到它也害怕呢。Our puppy is also afraid of that dog.”
He is a country dog, he can’t live in the city.”
“是啊,快带它回下乡去吧。Yes, take that dog back to the country.”
Dina’s dad had to take Rover back to the country, and gie him to a kind farmer.
爸爸:“蒂娜,罗弗在农场可以想干什么就干什么一门三父子,他会很开心的受傲江湖 。
Dina, Rover can do whatever he likes here, he’ll be happy.”
蒂娜:“(哭)那我们可以经常来看它吗深宅1927?Can we visit him?”
Of course, asoftenas you want.
好啦,现在,我们要回去了凶宅胭脂。Ok, now, we should go back”
“汪!汪!Woof, woof.”
农场主对罗弗很好,the farmer was kind to Rover.
The chicken, the ducks, the cows and the sheep are all nice to Rover.
可是,罗弗不开心,But Rover was not happy.
他好想念蒂娜和她的爸爸。He missed Dina and her dad.
有一点,他决定逃回蒂娜身边。One day, he decided to run back to Dina.
农场主:“罗弗,快回来~~Rover, come back”
Rover ran down the road and ran towards the city.
过了一会儿,罗弗有些累了。After a while, he was tired.
它看到一辆卡车停在路边杜勤兰 ,三轮摩托车 车门开着。
He saw a truck on the road, the door was open.

它就跳了上去。So he jumped in.
卡车司机说The truck driver said:“
你不能上我的车。You can’t come in this truck”
“汪!汪!汪汪!”罗弗一个劲儿地叫。Rover barked and barked.
卡车司机“好吧好吧,你可以上来毛永仁。All right, all right. You can come.”
卡车沿着公路向前开。The truck drove down the road.
在一个咖啡店旁边,司机停下了车异界流氓天尊 。It stopped at a café, the driver gotoff.
Rover jumped out of the truck and ran down the road.
他看到人们正在上一辆巴士。He saw some people getting on a bus.
巴士司机说:“嘿,小狗,你不能上车。Hey doggie, you can’t get on the bus.
Look at this sign,黄杏初 it says: no dogs on the bus.”
“汪汪汪汪!”罗弗一个劲儿地叫。Rover barked and barked.
“好吧好吧黑岩阁 ,你可以上来。All right, all right. You can come.”
罗弗坐着巴士到了城里。Rover took the bus to the city.
He sniffed the ground and followed the smell to Dina’s home.
终于他看到蒂娜的房子了. Finally, he saw Dina’s house.
He pushed open the gate, ran up the path and scratched at the door.
蒂娜和爸爸打开房门。Dina and her dad came to the door.

他们一把将罗弗抱在怀里。They hugged Rover.
蒂娜:“罗弗我好想你啊。I’ve missed you so much.
你真聪明,能自己找到我们。You’reso clever, you can find us on your own.”
爸爸:“可是罗弗,你不能住在这里啊。But Rover摸摸茶, you can’tstay here.
你是一只乡下狗。You’re a country dog.”
“汪汪汪汪如火如荼造句 !”罗弗一个劲儿地叫。Rover barked and barked.
“爸爸徐步高,爸爸。Daddy, daddy.”
蒂娜一个劲而地求爸爸。Dina begged and begged.
爸爸:“好吧好吧,你可以留下来。All right逆脉天骄 , all right, you can stay.
But no chasing dogs and cats, andnobarking at people.”
蒂娜:“太好了!Great !
罗弗,你现在是一只城里的狗了。Rover, you are a city dog now.”
