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余超颖“蜂巢行动”机经套题08.05-PTE黑科技 余超颖04/08/2017 Clifton RS :有两句长的,但口音正,听的清。DI:1 product X,Y,Z2 世界人口数;3 precipitationand temperature change; 4 其他都是line chart。RL:1 有渔船和监测水底的图,cameracage under the water to monitor fish feeding in the lab.2 low birthrate3 fourd


余超颖04/08/2017 Clifton
RS :有两句长的,但口音正,听的清。
1 product X,Y,Z
2 世界人口数;
3 precipitationand temperature change;
4 其他都是line chart。
1 有渔船和监测水底的图,cameracage under the water to monitor fish feeding in the lab.
2 low birthrate
3 fourdimensions
# Underwater Antares detectors
~ The lecture talks about Underwater Antares detectors, which is a camera installed under thewater for fishmonitoring.
~ It is a remotetechnology system, some researchers can monitor fishes in their computer inUniversity.
~ The camera can detectsurrounding environments and fish. This help find out what they eat anddo not eat.
~They can stop feeding them if necessary in somesituation to save time and labor
# Western countries child birth rate
~The lecture talks about the child birth rates in European countries.
~In the beginning of the lecture,the speaker mentioned that the ratedecreases to historical low in about 1.1-1.2% in recent years.
~The reason is that women in Europe are unwilling to givebirth especially those young womenunder 30 years old.
~At the end of the lecture, heconcluded that the phenomenon would affectman’s position of life, which willincrease their unemployment rate.
# Dimension
~ Dimension means how many variables that required to describe aposition.
~ Dimensiondescribe a position onequator that is longitude.Dimensionincludeslongitudes,latitudeand can describe a position on theearth,
~ Dimension are Longitudes, latitude, and altitudes, whicha position over the earth
~ Similar, when describing aposition in the space, then takes thetime into account, which is the 4 Dimension
图:图一条折线,先上升一点,后直线下降,纵轴Child birth rates横轴年份到2000年时候大概是1点几%出生率
~尤其在西方国家 30 岁以下的女生
~ 越来越多欧洲女人不爱生孩子 birth rate 最低,对男人也有影响,会导致unemployment
Swt :
1 只记得一些片段 This schedule allows a plenty of time for independent study. The keyfindings seem to contradict our initial hypothesis. Climate change is becomingan acceptable phenomenon amongst a group of reputable scientists.
2 hard topersuade his city born wife to live in countryside.
3 Comparativeadvantage (India , America ).
# Living in countryside
I knew it was a goodidea because I had been there before. Born and reared(养育) on a farm I had been seducedfor a few years by the idea of being a big shot(大人物)who lived and worked in a city rather than only going for the day to wave atthe buses. (原来幻想在大城市工作生活成为大人物,而不是为了生活在大巴上招手)True, Iwas familiar with some of the minor disadvantages of country living such as aniffy(可疑的) private water supply sometimes infiltrated(浸入) by a range of flora and fauna(植物群和动物群)including,on one memorable occasion, a dead lamb, the absence of central heating in farmhouses and cottages, and a single-track farm road easily blocked by snow,broken-down machinery or escaped livestock.
But there were manyadvantages as I told Liz back in the mid-Seventies. Town born and bred, eightmonths pregnant and exchanging a warm, substantial Corstorphine terrace for awindswept(暴露在风中的) farmcottage on a much lower income, persuading her that country had it over townmight have been difficult.
Although he familiar with some of the disadvantagesof country such as iffy private water supply and the absence of centralheating, he still insist that there are many advantages, and he persuades Liz tomove to country from city.
I was once tempted by cities but was born and bred in a farm and wasfamiliar with disadvantages such as unreliable water supply, non-functionalheating, blocked road, and it is hard to persuade my town-born and pregnantwife that country is better than town
# Laborcomparative advantage
With an abundance of low-priced labor relative tothe United States, it is no surprise that China, India and other developingcountries specialize in the production of labor-intensive products. For similarreasons, the United States will specialize in the production of goods that arehuman- and physical-capital intensive because of the relative abundance of ahighly-educated labor force and technically sophisticated equipment in theUnited States.
The division of global production should yieldhigher global output of both types of goods than would be the case if eachcountry attempted to produce both of these goods itself. For example, theUnited States would produce more expensive labor-intensive goods because of itsmore expensive labor and the developing countries would produce more expensivehuman and physical capital-intensive goods because of their relative scarcityof these inputs. This logic implies that the United States is unlikely to be asignificant global competitor in the production green technologies that are notrelatively intensive in human and physical capital.
Nevertheless, during the early stages of thedevelopment of a new technology, the United States has a comparative advantagein the production of the products enable by this innovation. However, oncethese technologies become well-understood and production processes are designedthat can make use of less-skilled labor; production will migrate to countrieswith less expensive labor.
Developing countries specialize in the production oflabor-intensive products, whereas United States specialize in the production ofgoods that are human-and physical-capital intensive, however, once thesetechnologies become well-understood, production will migrate to developingcountries, which makes the United States loss a comparative advantage.
Even though Americahas a comparative advantage during the early stage of an innovation, which willdisappear once the new technology become well-understood, the separation ofglobal production, which the United State, lacking of cheap labor, focus onhuman and physical capital intensive goods and developing countries, not havingmuch highly-educated labor force and technically sophisticated equipment,specialize in labor intensive products, should yield higher global output thaneach country produces both type of product.
The comparison between labor-intensive products in developing countriesand human- and-physical-capital intensive products in the US shows that thedivision of global production should yield higher global output, but thedevelopment of new technology allows the US to have a comparative advantage,yet the production will migrate to developing countries with less expensivelabor
Essay: Mass medialike newspaper,tv shape people's opinion, especially influence younggeneration.
Fib :有个科技类,关于Gene 研究,有个modification,strain, transmission.
SMW:关于禽流感 avianinfluenza 传染给turke, In US,最后选的是 Disease.
1 有一句挺长的,说了四个东西包括chicken,fish其他的实在想不起来了
2 the dininghall will be on renovation during next fall break 那题
3 还有 our ...ishosting business development conference next week 那题 有点忘了
4 还有一个失忆了 不过记得在鸡精里
