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余超颖“蜂巢行动”机经套题08.18-PTE黑科技 余超颖8.17 12:30 布里斯班 CliftonRA1 domestication 有一句跟机经不太一样2 Brain is divided into two hemispheresRS有两句比较长DI1 国旗2 树的年轮和气候关系3 美国最适宜居住的洲排名4 英国网络用户柱图RL1 Mega city2 brain development3 conscious competent/incompetentMegacity V1:1) Th


余超颖8.17 12:30 布里斯班 Clifton
RA1 domestication 有一句跟机经不太一样2 Brain is divided into two hemispheresRS
有两句比较长DI1 国旗2 树的年轮和气候关系3 美国最适宜居住的洲排名4 英国网络用户柱图RL1 Mega city2 brain development3 conscious competent/incompetent
1) This lecture is about the relationship of Resource and population.
2) In 1900, the population was about 1.5 billion and it increased 4 folds to6 billion in 2000.
3) The increase of energy consumptionincreased by16 folds.
4) Due to globalization and urbanization, cities, whichonly account for 2% of the land,have 50% of the total population andconsume 75% of the resources.
1.This lecture talks about mega city.
2.City population grows dramatically from 1.5 billionto 6 billion.
3.City only accounts for 2% of land but consumed 60% (80 %?) of resources. Consumingresources has increased 60 fold and it make big burden to the environment.
争议:consumed resources 是60%,70%,还是80%。
班长 那个retell lecture 的mega city 我记得应该是city consume 80% of theresources
## Braindevelopment
Stages of Brain development- brain developmentduring childhood, there are three stages, starting from the primitive brain(the action brain),limbicbrain (feeling brain), and finally to the neocortex (thought brain). Althoughinterrelated, the three had its own function. Primitive brain functions tomanage the physical to survive, manage reflex, motor motion control, monitoringbody functions, and process information coming from sensing. Limbic brainfunctioning as a liaison to process emotions and the brain thinks, and theprimitive brain. While the thinking brain, which is the most objective part ofthe brain, receiving input from the primitive brain and the limbic brain.
However, he needed more time to process informationfrom the primitive brain and the limbic brain. The brain thinks the merger isalso a place of experience, memory, feeling, and thinking ability to give birthto ideas and actions. Nerve myelination of the brain takes place in sequence,starting from the primitive brain, the limbic brains, and brain thought. Neuralpathways are more frequently used to make more myelin thicken. Increasinglythicker myelin, the faster the nerve impulses or signals travel alone nerves.Therefore, a growing child is encouraged to receive input from the environmentin accordance with its development.
This lecture is mainly about brain development.
1)Different sections of the brain have differentfunction and finished development indifferent times
2)Sensory,including vision and hearing,developed at embryo time and stop around1 years old.
3)Language also developed fromembryo time to a little longer than 1 years old.
4)Higher cognitive function developed for a long time in the later period.
5)Low development influence thefuture of higher development.
1.Thislecture mainly talks about human brain development. Different sections of humanbrain have different functions.
2.Forsensory pathways, including vision and hearing, develop from embryo time, peakat 3 month old, stop at more than 1 year old.
3.Forlanguage, develop from embryo time, peak around 9 months old, and stop at morethan 1 year old.
4.Forhigher cognitive function, develop from embryo time, peak at 1 year old anddevelop for a longer period of time.
5.Moreover,higher level functions, such as logical thinking, based on lower level ofdevelopment.
1) The lecture talks about 3 stages of braindevelopment, which are the primitive brain, limbic brain and neocortex.
2) The primitive brain mainly controls low-level bodyfunctions.
3) The limbic brain functions as a liaison.
4) The thinking brain receives and processesinformation from the other two brains.
5)Nervemyelination is so important that a growing child should receive more inputsfrom environment.
Unconscious incompetence conscious competence
1. The Four Levels of Learning describe how a personlearns a new skill.
2. Unconscious Incompetence: you don't know that youdon't know something.
3. Conscious Incompetence: you are now aware that youcan't do the skill.
4. Conscious Competence: you develop a skill in thatarea but have to think about it.
5. Unconscious Competence: you are good at it and itnow comes naturally.
ASQ1 英文字母表有几个字母2 睡眠有困难的人有什么问题3 柱图问你英国人口第二多的是哪个国家4 9am 数学课 10am computer课11am 其他科,问数学课后紧接着什么课SWT1 孩子看电视2 IBM prediction
## Children watching TV
Why and to what extent should parents control theirchildren’s TV watching? There is certainlynothing inherently wrong with TV. The problem is how much television a childwatches and what effect it has on his life. Research has shown that as theamount of time spent watching TV goes up, the amount of time devoted not onlyto homework and study but other important aspects of life such as socialdevelopment and physical activities decreases. Television is bound to have ittremendous impact on a child, both in terms of how many hours a week he watchesTV and of what he sees. When a parent is concerned about the effects oftelevision, he should consider a number of things: what TV offers the child interms of information and knowledge, how many hours a week a youngster his ageshould watch television, the impact of violence and sex, and the in?uence of commercials. Whatabout the family as a whole? Is the TV set a central piece of furniture in yourhome! Is it ?icked on the moment someone enters theempty house? Is it on during the daytime? Is it part of the background noise ofyour family life? Do you demonstrate by your own viewing that television shouldbe watched selectively?
Parents should think how much television a childwatches and what effect there might be (Point 1) as research has shown moretime spent on watching TV, the less time they have allocated to otheractivities (Point 2), they also need to consider the content and time spentweekly on TV (Point 3), by pondering various aspects like the role of TV infamily. (Point 4)
The fact that time spent on TV increased and timespent on other activities ?decreased is nothing wrong with TV, but TV is bound to havetremendous impact on child both in terms of how many hours a week he watches TVand of what he sees, and its influence to family as a whole should be takeninto consideration.
When considering why and to what extent parents should control theirchildren’s TV watching, we should take 2factors into consideration and one is the amount of time spent on TV and theother is the effects of TV watching while the second factor has much to do withthe impact of violence, sex and the influence of commercials
## Technology prediction IBM
As far as prediction is concerned, remember that thechairman of IBM predicted in the fifties that the world would need a maximum ofaround half a dozen computers, that the British Department for Education seemedto think in the eighties that we would all need to be able to code in BASIC andthat in the nineties Microsoft failed to foresee the rapid growth of theInternet. Who could have predicted that one major effect of the automobilewould be to bankrupt small shops across the nation? Could the early developersof the telephone have foreseen its development as a medium for person-to-personcommunication, rather than as a form of broadcasting medium?
We all,including the 'experts', seem to be peculiarly inept at predicting the likelydevelopment of our technologies, even as far as the next year. We can, ofcourse, try to extrapolate from experience of previous technologies, as I dobelow by comparing the technology of the Internet with the development of otherinformation and communication technologies and by examining the earlier developmentof radio and print. But how justified I might be in doing so remains an openquestion. You might conceivably find the history of the British and Frenchvideotext systems, Prestel and Minitel, instructive. However, I am not entirelyconvinced that they are very relevant, nor do I know where you can findinformation about them on-line, so, rather than take up space here, I'vebriefly described them in a separate article.
1) ? IBM 的chairman 成功预测到电脑的流行,但 Microsoft 却没有成功预测到网络的 盛行。
2) ? 所有人包括专家都无法预测未来科技的发展。
3) ? 因为我们预测的方法是以过去科技发展经历为经验,但没人可知过去与未来的关系
4) ? 虽然我们可以通过过去的信息及经验 extrapolate 未来,但是这种做法 remain an open question。
Although we can deduct from our predictions fromexperience of previous technologies, we are incapable of predicting the likelydevelopment of our technologies, so how justified we are remains an openquestion.
Essay1 positive and negative consequences2 brought by information revolution and masscommunication, agree or disagreeFIB1 Australia higher education funding2 University science
## Australia HigherEducation Funding
Financing of Australian higher education has undergone dramatic changesince the early 1970s. Although the Australian Government provided regularfunding for universities from the late 1950s, in 1974 it assumed full responsibilityfor funding higher education - abolishing tuition fees with the intention ofmaking university accessibleto all Australians who had the ability and who wished to participate in highereducation.(SEE ENDNOTE1)Since the late 1980s, there has been a move towards greater privatecontributions, particularly student fees. In 1989, the Australian Governmentintroduced the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) which included aloans scheme to help students finance their contributions. This enableduniversities to remain accessible to students by delaying their payments untilthey could afford to pay off their loans. In 2002, the Australian Government introduced ascheme similar to HECS for postgraduate students - the Postgraduate EducationLoan Scheme (PELS).Funding for higher education comes from various sources. This article examinesthe three main sources - Australian Government funding, student fees andcharges, and HECS. While the proportion of total revenue raised through HECS is relatively small,HECS payments are a significant component of students' university costs, withmany students carrying a HECS debt for several years after leaving university.This article also focuses on characteristics of university students based ontheir HECS liability status, and the level of accumulated HECS debt
## University science
University scienceis now in real crisis - particularly the non-telegenic, non-ology bits of itsuch as chemistry. Since 1996, 28 universities have stopped offering chemistrydegrees, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry
The society predicts that as few as six departments(those at Durham, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, Bristol and Oxford) could remain open by 2014. Most recently,ExeterUniversity closed down its chemistry department, blaming it on "marketforces", and Bristol took in some of the refugees
The closures have been blamed on a fall in student applications, but money isa factor: chemistry degrees are expensive to provide -compared with English, for example - and some scientists say that the way thegovernment concentrates research funding on asmall number of top departments, such as Bristol, exacerbates the problem.
Essays1 Morality of welfare systemRO1 Charles Lindbergh2 Traffic accident3 还有一篇非机经,关于几个作家写出不同风格的playwrightSST1 43 Year old woman student loan2 drug advertisement on Tv
## Amother’s loan
5) 一个43岁的女性抱怨自己的经济困难,还不起loan.
6) The woman faces financialpressure all the time.
7) 虽然college degree让她找到工作,但还贷压力很大,一直在还债。has to pay mounting debts
8) 过了15年triple了loan孩子也养不起了,以至于孩子教育也要申请financial aids.
1. The lecture talks about 43-years-old women complaint about her financial difficulty and she can’t pay back her loan.
2. Although her collegedegree helped her find a job,she has been paying mounting debtsfor the expensive education cost.
3. Her loan hastripled after 15 years and she cannotrely on parents’financial support. She can’t support her childrenthat she has to apply financial aids for her children’seducation.
1)A 43 years old womanstill owns loan fifteen years after graduation. The pilling debt will never bepaid off and affects the education budget of her offspring.
2)She regrets about her over-confidence and unrealisticexpectations of enjoying a lucrativewriting career,
3)She advices students practically plan theirfuture and choose an affordable educational institution
I’m 43 years old and I owe tens ofthousands of dollars in student loans. Oh sure, I knew the loans were piling upas I went through school. But with one loan coming from here, another fromthere, I had no idea of the rock slide that was building. Fifteen years later,I still experience moments of sheer horror regarding my family’s financial situation. My monthly student loan payment is more thantriple my car payment. OK, so without my college degree, I would not have beenable to get my current job. For that I'm grateful; but at what cost? My loanshave been accruing at a rate of 10 percent, and now they have burgeoned to—well. I’m an English major, you do the math.I don’t think they’ll ever getpain off. We’re in debt way past our eyeballs, and there’s no hope in sight. I’m being kept in class—a financial class of graduates whose only hope for attending collegemeant borrowing money from the government. Because of our mounting credit carddebt and monthly payments that far exceed our family’sincome, my kids will also join the class of citizens who can^ rely on theirparents for college support. Do I wish I’d chosenanother educational route? You bet.
## Advertisement
4) 有点像电视新闻,有主持人有连线采访的模式。说现在有大量的钱都花在了处方药 的TRUCK上,在黄金时段反复播出,对这个现在提出质疑
5)Thedrug company has doubled the amount ofmoney spent in ads.
6)关于药物的广告促销 越来越多人去看广告服用药物,而不是去见医生。
8) The information of the drug ads is accurate but thetone is misleading, the consumers to see doctor and ask for prescription to buythese drugs.
9) 这样做有好处,能control,坏处是 change lifestyle。
10)Also the changein the life style also contribute to this trend.
WFD1 There were struggling last year to maketheir service paid.2 Why has the project been held up for solong?3 Teaching assistants will receive monthlystipend for housing
例如:你想看8月1日的机经回忆。 你就回复8.1
