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【视频】H M因种族歧视广告惹了大麻烦!南非抗议者冲击其门店-PeopleDaily圣域3 Protestors Trash H&M Store In South Africa Over ‘Racist’ Hoodie Ad瑞典服装品牌H&M近日因种族歧视广告麻烦不断。继在社交媒体上遭到声讨之后,南非一些抗议者冲击数家H&M门店,当地警方不得不用橡胶子弹驱散抗议人群。South African police Saturday intervened to clear p

【视频】H M因种族歧视广告惹了大麻烦!南非抗议者冲击其门店-PeopleDaily圣域3

Protestors Trash H&M Store In South Africa Over ‘Racist’ Hoodie Ad

South African police Saturday intervened to clear protesters trashing outlets of Swedish clothing giant Hennes and Mauritz in Johannesburg over a controversial advertisement of a black child.

英国《卫报》14日称,在H&M日前发布的广告照片中,一名黑人男孩所穿外套上印着“丛林中最酷的猴子”几个字,被批种族歧视黑色切割者 。13日天龙大哥大 ,南非左翼激进政党“经济自由斗士党”(EFF)在约翰内斯堡组织当地民众在H&M门店前进行抗议。
A photo on the company's online website of a black boy wearing a green hoodie with the inscription "coolest monkey in the jungle" had triggered outrage on social media and among observers worldwide.
一些抗议者进入门店后推倒货架和模特,用脚踩踏扔在地上的衣服,甚至有人偷走了店内的商品。EFF领导人马勒马称,这些都是H&M发布种族歧视广告的报应,“我们不允许任何人因为我们的肤色歧视我们、排挤我们。所有理智的人都会认为清宫遗梦 ,南非不应该再允许这家店继续经营下去河池人才网。”

The company has pulled the photograph but the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) -- a radical group set up by the expelled head of the youth wing of the ruling African National Congress -- organised protests at several H&M outlets in and around Johannesburg.
据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)13日报道,H&M公司当天发表声明称,已经注意到南非门店发生的事情,自己的员工没有受伤,但不得不暂时关闭了在南非的所有门店。H&M的网站资料显示,该公司在南非共有17家门店。H&M还在官方网站上再次发表道歉声明:“我们的立场很明确古空棘鱼 ,我们错了,非常抱歉。”
Video footage showed activists trashing displays中国百戏之师, kicking over and pulling down clothes rails as well as pushing over mannequins.
"Several incidents of protests at H&M stores around the province have been reported,慕承和 " South African police (SAPS) said in a tweet.
尽管已经有多个国家的消费者呼吁联合抵制H&M,但处于事件中心的男童的妈妈芒格则称,她并不觉得这是一种冒犯阿曼迪童鞋,呼吁人们不要再上纲上线。对于“经济自由斗士党”打砸门店的行为王富曲,芒格在社交媒体上说:“种族隔离和歧视已经让有些人敏感至此,仅仅为‘猴子’俩字就去打砸店铺”童养媳乌荷 。
"At the East Rand Mall the protesters managed to enter the shop & stole several items. #SAPS members had to intervene and dispersed the group of protesters by firing rubber bullets."
Floyd Shivambu from EFF said: 'That @hm nonsense of a clothing store is now facing consequences for its racism. All rational people should agree that the store should not be allowed to continue operating in South Africa."

对此,德国联邦政府反歧视专员吕德斯在接受《世界报》采访时表示,人们对H&M的广告并非过度敏感9岁小妖后,“这位母亲或许并没有感到被冒犯分手妹,但重要的是一升车 ,数以百万计的人有这样的感觉。”报道称诸瑛,争议照片出现后,H&M 9日在瑞典的股价下滑到2009年以来的最低水平欺诈游戏再生 。德国还有多家媒体对H&M提出批评。
《明镜》周刊14日评论称,该广告是“殖民主义的后遗症”。德国新闻电视台14日则表示,H&M的遭遇是“对所有大公司的警告。” 报道称,许多公司喜欢出格的广告,甚至走在法律和道德的边缘樱花的眼泪 ,现在连H&M也犯了如此低级的错误,其辛辛苦苦塑造起来的全球品牌形象已跌入谷底茅山僵尸 。
H&M is not the only major company to be hit by an advertisement scandal in recent years.
Spanish clothing brand Zara in 2014 removed striped pyjamas with a yellow star after facing outrage over its resemblance to clothes worn by Jewish prisoners in concentration camps.
And in October last year西线兵魂, personal care brand Dove apologised after it was accused of racism for airing a commercial showing a black woman turning into a white woman after removing her top.
英文来源:Daily Mail
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