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【视频】Hero Is Never Asked——Rafaela Silva 英雄不问出处——拉斐拉·席尔瓦The-KosenJudo高專柔道 拉斐拉·洛佩斯·席尔瓦出生于1992年,是巴西的一位柔道习技者。是2013年世界柔道锦标赛冠军神话高岚 ,2016年里约奥运会57公斤级柔道冠军临城天气预报 。现今是巴西海军三级中士,同时整合了军队体育部门的体育中心。Rafaela Lopes Silva (born 24 April 1992) is a Brazilian judoka. She

【视频】Hero Is Never Asked——Rafaela Silva 英雄不问出处——拉斐拉·席尔瓦The-KosenJudo高專柔道

拉斐拉·洛佩斯·席尔瓦出生于1992年,是巴西的一位柔道习技者。是2013年世界柔道锦标赛冠军神话高岚 ,2016年里约奥运会57公斤级柔道冠军临城天气预报 。现今是巴西海军三级中士,同时整合了军队体育部门的体育中心。

Rafaela Lopes Silva (born 24 April 1992) is a Brazilian judoka. She wona gold medal at the 2013 World Judo Championships and at the 2016 Summer Olympics in the –57 kg weight division. Currently, she occupies the graduation third sergeant in the Navy of Brazil and integrates the Center of Physical Education Admiral Nunes (CEFAN)时空旅人传奇 , the Military Sports Department.

2013年8月,她成为了第一个获得柔道世界冠军的巴西选手。2016年8月,她获得了里约奥运会女子57公斤级柔道冠军淮剧陈德林 ,并打败了蒙古柔道选手Sumya Dorjsuren。由此拉斐拉被载入了巴西在柔道竞赛方面的史册,成为了巴西史上同时获得奥运会和世界冠军的柔道选手。
In August 2013鲁尔区德比 , she was the first Brazilian to become world champion inJudo. On 8 August 2016, she won the gold medal of category up until 57 kg theOlympics 2016拆魔方 , after defeat judoka Mongolia, Sumiya Dorjsuren石琼磷, who was leader of the ranking world. With this秃鸡散 , she became the first athlete in the history of Brazilian judo, between men and women, to become world and olympic champion.

但是拉斐拉的出身是很特别的,她出生于里约最有名的贫民窟“上帝之城”,起初她喜欢的运动是足球,她和一些孩子相互组队在离家不远的场地踢球,但他们总是会在街头打架,7岁那年,父母送她和她的姐妹一起参加了由弗拉维奥·坎图创办的组织Institute Reaction。
Rafaela Silva grew up in the Rio slum Cidade de Deus. Thefirst sport she liked was football,sci论文发表 practicing against other children in a dirt field near her home in Jacarepagua. Because they were concerned with fights and violence in the streets, when Rafaela was 7 years old her parents Luiz Carlosand Zenilda Silva signed her up, together with her sister, Raquel, for judo classes at the Institute Reaction, newly fitted at Cidade de Deus the former athlete Flávio Canto.

“我从2000年开始练习柔道苏仨门 ,父亲让我参加的这项运动是为了使我停止在街头打架的最后一招。在学习柔道的过程中王麻子膏药,我明白了纪律远东之血 ,我学会了尊重他人以及更加认真的训练。柔道为我展现了世界,瞿天临 当我有足够能力的时候,我开始支撑以及帮助我的家庭还清账单。”——拉斐拉
"I started judo in 2000龙慧祺 , early in the project. My father put me inthe sport as an alternative to I stop getting fighting in the street. In Judo,I found discipline, I respect the other and began to take the sport seriously.Judo showed me the world. With the resources I get炼铁手 , I guarantee my support andhelp my family pay the bills. "——RafaelaLopes Silva
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